Year: 2016

Winterizing: Prevent Metal Roof Damage

Your metal building is tough. That's probably a reason you own or rent it in the first place. ...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi friends, Life moves fast. It’s easy to get caught up in work; caught up in the day-to-day, ...

Guests Coming for the Holidays?

The holidays are fast approaching, which for some people means one thing: guests. If your house has been ...

We use the 5s Organization Strategy, and you should too.

At Mid-Land Enterprises, our work could bring us to your business. We may be completing routine maintenance or ...

7 Quick Tips for Maintaining Steel Buildings

Steel buildings are one of the greatest bargains found anywhere. They offer the benefits of more costly forms ...

Why Organization Matters

Whether you've spent your life working behind a desk or out in the elements each day, keeping an ...

5 Steps to Better Tool Organization

You just saw the tool you need, right over...there...somewhere. But now it's gone and you can't finish the ...

Metal Roof Maintenance: What you need to know

The life span of metal roofing is one of its biggest selling points. Committing to a capital improvement ...

Improve Communication on the Job Site

The importance of communication cannot be overstated. Regardless of whether you’re in the office, in the shop, or ...

Every Small Business Owner Should Think like a CEO

Entrepreneurs and small business owners have a lot on their plate. They also wear a lot of hats. ...